“I dont have time to trade – Bull S***”

I don't have time to trade

Written by Marc Walton

I recently retired as a professional trader. I now focus on teaching others to trade my funds. My team and I have coached 1000's of home based forex traders. Along with trading psychologist, Rich Friesen & a former student of mine, turned full-time trader & now a mentor: Pierre du Plessis

January 19, 2016

I don't have time to tradeAt this time of year many people have already broken their new years resolutions.

“Its too hard to stick to my diet,”

“I hate my job but I can’t quit right now,”

“I want to go to the gym but I can’t because of work commitments,” and the classic one I hear most days “I don’t have time to trade around my job.”

You CAN do ANYTHING that you set your mind to. THAT it what separates the winners from the losers, the men from the boys.

I had a very successful business in the UK and 4 young kids. I sold the former and took the latter to live 2000 miles away on an island off the coast of Africa. That was a huge risk and yet I managed to reinvent myself both personally & career wise. My kids grew up in a beautiful, safe, warm & sunny place that they came to know and love & my wife and I live a life that we could only dream of. It didn’t happen by accident!

Yes we took what, to outsiders, friends and some family members, looked to an insane big gamble, BUT we had a dream. We set goals. We created a plan. We sold the business, made investments to create income, sold the main house, cars, the lot and emigrated with a suitcase each ( I kid you not) and set off for the Canary Islands.

I have never regretted it, not once. I am thankful everyday that I live in a place that I love and yet I manage to make a substantial income. We go to the gym/spa 6 days a week. We help run a football club. We eat out lots and live an outdoor lifestyle in an almost perfect climate. The moral of the story:

If you want to achieve ANYTHING then you need to get off your butt and take ACTION!

“I dont have time to trade – Bull S***”


If you REALLY want to be a successful trader then you know what needs to be done. One of the lifetime members Jeff, wrote an article a few years ago for us “Treat trading like a hobby & it will pay you like a hobby.” So are you going to keep playing at it OR make a plan and take some ACTION? Its in your hands.

If you are new look back over some of my blog posts over the previous few years. If you have been with us a while then you already know that I have explained ad nauseum how trading from longer time frames is key to success for retail traders. Last week I placed 2 trades. Both from weekly analysis. One trade placed on a dally candle close and the other I went down to a 4 hour chart. That was it. One won and made me 5% profit from a 1% risk and the other lost 0.5%- net gain 4.5% in a week 2 trades, 50% win rate.

I recorded the trades and will edit the video later in the week for you to see.

I show you in todays video lots of weekly technical set ups (supported by fundamentals) that gave big profits in recent weeks and some potential ones that are lining up right now. There is of course no guarantee that the new ones will be successful, but if you use the correct risk reward then that is not such an issue. How many trades you win is much less important than how much you win or lose per trade.

Usually I give you written notes BUT this weeks video is too important for you to just blindly try and follow me. Make the effort to watch it and learn. Trading is not rocket science, but as with anything in life that is worth doing well you need to make the effort. Can’t spare less than 10 minutes to watch something that took me 14 years of trading experience, hours to analyse and make? Take up knitting! as I doubt you are in the right frame of mind to be successful as a trader.

Marc Walton

“I dont have time to trade – Bull S***”

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