Hi everyone Looking at my charts then it doesnt look to bad at all…….. Lets see……… The top bull and bear pairs using the strength indicator on the 4 hour chart this week will be…….....
Hi, last week saw positive Gbp & Canadian news so I am looking for their trends to continue. There is not too much scheduled news for the week ahead but it’s a bank holiday in much of Europe on Monday so the € could be slow. There is NZD news not long after...
Understanding what the most common Forex Trading Mistakes and how to avoid them, can be just as, if not more important than methods for finding trades. After all these years of trading, I have learned that it’s the mistakes that end up costing the most money....
Hi, the following article was written by youthful member, Per. Per has managed at a very young age to make all the usual forex mistakes, including falling for the get rich quick hype we have all done at some time in our forex journey. Then the dreaded forex robots,...
Meditation & Forex: forex Mentorpro member Senaka sent in this “how to prepare yourself mentally for trading” tip. I have my own routine that I follow. I don’t drink more than one glass of wine or beer the night before I trade. Think of the old pilots adage “8...
At this time of year many people have already broken their new years resolutions. “Its too hard to stick to my diet,” “I hate my job but I can’t quit right now,” “I want to go to the gym but I can’t because of work commitments,” and the classic one I hear most days “I...
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Risk Disclosure Statement: Trading currencies on margin involves a high level of risk which may not be suitable for all investors. Leverage can work against you just as easily as it can work for you. Before deciding to trade currencies you should carefully consider your trading and financial objectives, level of experience, and appetite for risk. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss of some, or possibly all of your trading capital. Therefore, you should not fund a trading account with money that you cannot afford to lose. It is recommended that you seek advice from an accredited financial advisor if you have any doubts as to whether currency trading is right for you. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those discussed on this web site. The past performance of any trading system or methodology is not necessarily indicative of future results. Any losses incurred by traders unsuccessful in applying these ideas or methods are the sole responsibility of the trader and not ForexTrainingAcademy.com and its principals, contractors and assigns will be held safe from prosecution in any form.Ok